Category Archives: Blog

Table Manners for Kids
Table Manners for Kids: How to Raise Children with Good Table Etiquette

Aside from teaching your children essential life skills and how to respect people, table manners are important habits you need to encourage them to adopt. The reason is that, for centuries, society has judged – and continues to judge – a person’s level of education based on table manners.  Besides, you don’t want your kids […]

Questions to Ask kids
33 Questions to Ask kids and Get Them Talking

Sometimes, trying to connect with your child isn’t easy. A favourite TV show or mobile game can often seem more interesting to him or her than what you have to say. So, the most you might get out of questions you ask could be one-word replies. If this happens frequently, then you should probably change […]

Best Typing Program for Kids
The Best Typing Program for Kids and 5 More Alternatives to Consider

The ever-advancing virtual world of the internet is changing our society and particularly the way in which education is delivered in schools. Students, as early as elementary school, are required to complete classroom assessment, write stories, do homework and carry out research on computers or touch devices like tablets.  However, parents aren’t as eager to […]

Allergies in Children
Common Allergies in Children & What You Should Do to Help

Children are fragile beings, and for the most part, your job as a parent is to keep them healthy and safe. However, there are constant and uprising threats that tend to make that job a bit more difficult. Allergies in children are a bit common and most of them can be managed until adulthood with […]

15 Delicious and Healthy Snack Recipes for Kids

You must have heard the proverb “health is wealth” about a million times because, in truth, the greatest wealth that one can have is good health. Maintaining a healthy diet can help prevent many lifelong health problems such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.  Eating well can also enhance brain […]

Gross Motor Activities for Kids
10 Gross Motor Activities for Kids

Children with excellent gross motor skills don’t usually have issues with larger movements such as crawling, walking, running and jumping. They are physically fit and enjoy healthy growth, which occurs as a result of their engagement in gross motor activities. These activities make them use the muscles of their legs, arms, and trunk, thereby helping […]

Netflix Parental Control
How to Setup Netflix Parental Control & Protect Your Kids from Contents Not Right for their Age

Netflix has lots of movies and TV shows that are suitable and enjoyable for kids, but at the same time, it has some content you don’t want your kids to see. This is the reason you need to set up Netflix parental control and protect your kids from ever coming across these contents.  Before April […]

Birthday Gifts for kids
18 Awesome Birthday Gifts for Kids Your Child Would Cherish

Birthday parties might be all the rave, but a great birthday gift will always be the highlight for your child at the end of the day. However, choosing a birthday gift for your child is sometimes not an easy feat. What your child loved yesterday, might no longer be interesting to him or her by […]

How to Teach Kids Respect

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see young children displaying a perceived high level of disrespect to adults. You would see them in a heated argument with an adult, sometimes using foul languages. You see them disrespecting people in authority, and when you try to correct them, they either abuse you or walk out of […]

IB Diploma Benefits: 5 Reasons Your Child Should Do IB Diploma

According to a publication in the Independent news, a growing number of students are dropping the A-Level for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Why are they doing that? Because IBDP is now regarded as the surest way for students to get admission into top universities and colleges all over the world. If you are […]