
Activity Based Learning

Activity-based Learning otherwise known as ABL could be likened to the Chinese adage that says, “Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand”.
At Greensprings School, teachers and students from ages 18 months to 16 years, experience the learning process collaboratively. The teachers are mostly there to prepare the environment and facilitate the learning process for exploration of concepts and ideas. This is far from what obtains in other schools where teachers are still the only sage in the classroom.
Educational research into brain development and learning has made us understood that as many of the senses of the child that are brought into the learning process, the deeper and the richer the learning experience. Students are active investigator of their environment.

british school in lagos

This natural nature is what this learning methodology taps into to bring about effective teaching and learning. The method gives reality to meaning and it takes care of all the different learning styles in the classroom. So, no child is left behind in his learning. During Activity-Based learning class, the students own their learning. Through this learning methodology, they acquire the 21st century skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity amongst other skills.

See also:  Well Rounded Education